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News Archive

Here you'll find all the non-current news items previously posted on our News page. The layout of each news item is the design current at the time it was posted.




Saturday, 26 October 2024 at 7:30pm
Celebrity Concert
Turner Sims, Southampton
A concert by guitarist Adam Brown

This concert will explore the influences of Medieval and Renaissance music on twentieth-century composers, highlighting the enduring power, sensitivity and versatility of the guitar and its antecedents. The first half of my programme will have a Spanish and Hispanic-American theme, contrasting some exquisite Renaissance works composed for the vihuela with twentieth-century variations on Renaissance melodies.


The second half of the concert will have a Scottish theme, placing early medieval and traditional music composed for the Scottish lute alongside more contemporary works by Scottish composers, especially Thomas Wilson’s profound ‘Dreammusic’.  The whole concert embraces a variety of spiritual and cultural resonances, from Seville church bells to old Scottish folk lore, mingling new forms of guitar music with the rich and vibrant Hispanic and Celtic heritage.

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A discount code is available for SCGS members HERE

Posted 06-Aug-2021

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Duo Bayanello with Andrey Lebedev

St Peters Church, Stockbridge


Evening performance at 7:30pm
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Stockbridge Music returns to live performances with one of the most exciting ensembles on the international music scene - Russian accordionist Iosif Purits, British cellist Cecilia Bignall (who make up Duo Bayanello), and Australian-Russian guitarist Andrey Lebedev. Together they are performers, collaborators, arrangers and composers who cross musical boundaries with virtuosity and flair.

Live concerts restart at Turner Sims

Reserve the evening of Sunday 18th July 2021 in your calendar for a blockbuster restart of live celebrity concerts at the Turner Sims, Southampton. Not one, but TWO internationally renowned guitarists with a programme of solos and duets.
Covid guidelines mean that the Turner Sims audience is limited to a maximum of 75.

Posted 04-Jun-2021

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The secret is out. Craig Ogden and Gary Ryan at the Turner Sims! What more could you ever want to restart our live celebrity concerts? See full details here.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Concert with Craig Ogden and Gary Ryan

TURNER SIMS Southampton


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Evening performance at 7:30pm
Covid guidelines for the performing arts mean that the audience is limited to a maximum of 75 . If demand exceeds this we will offer a Matinee performance.



Two of the world's leading guitarists, Gary Ryan and Craig Ogden, perform music spanning centuries and continents with sparkling and imaginative arrangements that breathe new life into familiar repertoire. 


Their programme includes arrangements of Vivaldi's much-loved Concerto in D (RV93) for mandolin, strings and continuo and Rossini's Overture to the Barber of Seville. Solos include transcriptions of Bach's Suite No. 1 in G major (BWV 1007) for cello and Ryan's beautiful folk tune arrangements such as Banaha (Congolese), The Ash Grove (Welsh) and El Testament d'Amelia (Catalan). Two dances from The Three Cornered Hat by Manuel de Falla bring out the bright and brilliant flamenco and folk rhythms of the guitar with colours and textures that feel as if they have seeped out of the landscape of the Iberian peninsula. 


Gary Ryan - 'a fine guitarist …he plays so seductively'  The Sunday Time


Craig Ogden - 'A worthy successor to Julian Bream'  BBC Music Magazine


This concert runs for approximately 60 minutes without an interval.

Tickets from the Turner Sims Box Office here

SCGS  members' discount code available here

The results are in.....

Posted 15-July-2021

The West Sussesx Guitar Society's festival in June was dedicated to the works of two contemporary British guitar composers - Gary Ryan and Vincent Lindsey-Clark. They adjudicated recorded performances from festival entrants of all ages. Teresa Henley from the West Sussex society explains...


"We held a virtual Composers festival. Adult and junior club members were to perform a piece by the two well known guitar composers and performers, Vincent Lyndsey-Clark and Gary Ryan. The videos were then played to the adjudicators and an audience by Zoom and the results announced.



The pieces performed were:

by Vincent Lyndsey -Clarke:

Juniors:   Rio by Night, Shadow of the moon, Tango est Noche

Seniors:  Icy Blue, Sonata Scarlatta, Tango est Noche, Pulsar, The Mountains of Mourne



Gary Ryan:

Juniors:   The Spice Trail, Barndance, Winter Dream

Seniors:   Memories of Summer, Joie de Vivre, Benga Beat, Birds flew over the Spire



Every participant was grateful for the detail and positive appraisal from the adjudicators and all found the feedback interesting, constructive and inspiring. We would welcome members of your own Guitar Societies to take a look at these videos HERE and learn from our experiences."


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Nina Rideout Concert

Posted 25-May-2021

Wednesday, 14 July at 7:30pm

United Reformed Church, Romsey


SCGS member, Nina Rideout, is in concert at the Romsey Festival in July.


For more information and to book tickets (£15) visit the Festival website here.

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The twelfth Romsey Festival will run from Saturday 3rd to Sunday 18th July 2021,
at venues across Romsey and the surrounding area.

A neighbourly invitation

Posted 25-May-2021

The West Sussesx Guitar Society invites you to take part in a special festival, dedicated to the compositions of two prominent guitar composers - Gary Ryan and Vincent Lindsey-Clark.
Both musicians have agreed to adjudicate their sections in a live ZOOM meeting - an exciting event which proved highly successful in the recent Chichester Music Festival.
We are asking all participants to submit video recordings of one composition by Gary Ryan or Vincent Lindsey-Clark. Entry in both categories will be welcome, of course!
Please send your recordings to Sasha at Your individual recordings will be arranged in two video compilations and each sent to the respective composer.
On the day of the adjudication, 12 or 13 June, depending on the number of entries, we will organise two separate ZOOM meetings. An invitation will be emailed to all the participants and the audience.
Each composer will adjudicate their section live, and we will be showing the winning performances.
Winners of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will receive personally signed CDs by Gary Ryan and Vincent Lindsey-Clark, and the winning performances will be added to the WSGC Video Library on the Club's website.
The fee for each entry in the Festival is only £5.00 and can be sent to the WSGC, 46 Sudley Road, Bognor Regis, PO21 1DA or by BACS
to: West Sussex Guitar Club Sort Code: 60-05-24  Acc. No: 20521812
We are very much looking forward to your participation in this Festival, which is the first of its kind, and wish all the participants every success!

The deadline for sending recordings is Saturday, 5th  June
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Posted 23-May-2021


Gilly Slot & Derek Hasted
in concert

Wednesday, 30th June at 12.30pm (until 1.15pm)

at St Faith's Church, West Street, Havant, PO9 1EH Entrance is free,

with a retiring collection

SCGS members, Gilly Slot and Derek Hasted, are presenting this lunchtime concert in Havant.  The programme consists of flute and guitar duets, plus some guitar and piano solos, and the music is all easy to listen to!

Daniela Rossi plays Vincent Lindsey-Clark

SCGS member Vincent Lindsey-Clark has rewritten the Folia variations for the 21st century. The world premier of Vincent's The New Folias was streamed live from Clare Hall, Cambridge with Daniela Rossi as the soloist on Saturday 8th May, 2021. The recital was recorded and you can see it at this YouTube link


Posted 28-Apr-2021

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Daniela Rossi -" ... a very rare combination of energy, expression and perfect technique" - Leo Brouwer, composer and guitarist.

From the AGM 2021

Posted 01-Apr-2021

Here are the highlights from the Society's record-breaking AGM on 31 March 2021. Record-breaking in the speed with which the business was done, thanks to prior voting on-line.


Committee members were re-elected, but the line-up is different. Stuart Christie retires from the Chairmanship (round of applause for all he's done in that role over the years), but stays on the committee to organise our concert programme. Chris Thompson is our new Chair. Brian Tait combines the roles of Secretary and Membership Secretary. Ian Robinson remains our Treasurer and Denis Gibson stays as Website Editor.


Not on the committee, but making key contributions to the Society, are: Dave Chillingworth who will continue to edit our monthly newsletters and Gill Robinson who will continue to manage the Society's Facebook page.


The AGM approved changes in membership categories and subscriptions staring in 2022. No-one will pay more. See Normal Membership Subscriptions here

We'll meet again

Posted 01-Apr-2021

We're planning to resume Member Meetings in person at St Boniface Church in June. We'll use a bigger room and be socially distanced. Put 30 June, 7:30pm,  in the diary for this much welcome taste of freedom and return to normality. Of course, all depends on the government's Roadmap remaining on track. But let's be hopeful...


In the meantime, April and May meetings will take place via Zoom. See here.

Posted Dec-2020

C O M M I T T E E  S L A S H E S
S O C I E T Y  S U B S

Because the Society has not been able to offer its normal programme of meetings and concerts, the Committee has decided to reduce the annual subscription, due in  January 2021, to £5.00. Please ACT NOW to change your change your subscription for 2021. Read more on our Membership page here.




use the Contact Form to tell us

Click on this button for the Contact Form
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Although we haven't met in person since March 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions, there's still the opptortunity to get together on a Zoom call on our usual meeting day (the last Wednesday of the month). Watch out for a Zoom invitation the week before, and if you haven't tried Zoom yet read some guidance here.

J U L I A N  B R E A M

Posted Oct-2020

Julian died earlier this year and his friend, colleague and our Honorary Life President, John Mills, has written a fond remembrance of this immensely talented musician and guitarist here
L O C K D O W N  E N S E M B L E

Posted May-2020

Some of our SCGS members have been busy during lockdown! Many, many thanks to Mark Eden for making possible and editing this ensemble recording of Richard Charlton's Partial Eclipse. We hope you enjoy it!
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© 2020 by Southampton Classical Guitar Society

Version 3.0

We are based in Hampshire in the UK

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