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Read about our Membership Subscriptions and how to join.
Membership Subscription
The Standard Membership fee to join the society is £30 per year and it covers you and all the members of your household. You qualify for Student Membership (£10 per year) if you are in full-time eductaion, but if someone else in your household is paying a Standard Membership subscription you pay no additional fee.
Come along free of charge to your first meeting and see if you would like to join the society.
A member's guest (someone not in the member's household) is charged £5 per meeting.
If you have any questions about membership, please email us or use our Contact Form
Annual membership subscriptions are shown in this table
Standard membership
Student membership
Student membership is open to anyone in full-time education
Your subscription covers the following
Free entry to 12 meetings a year
Discounted tickets to concerts
Early notification of workshops
Christmas party with free food and wine
Enjoyment of good guitar music with friends
We will keep your personal information securely in our membership records. See our Privacy Policy..
New members
To join SCGS follow these steps:
Click on ONE of these buttons to go to a JOINING FORM. Give us some contact details so that we can add you to our membership records.
On the JOINING FORM, Make a Gift Aid Declaration if you are willing and a UK tax payer
You will then be taken to a PAYMENT SCREEN where you can set up a Direct Debit to pay your membership subscription
You must be in full-time education to be eligible for STUDENT Membership
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